Latest in FGM

Egypt's Women Keep Showing Power in Protest

Egypt's revolution is now often described as hijacked and women's legal rights are seen as vulnerable to an Islamic-style promotion of marriage and family. But in a show of their own force, women keep braving the deadly dangers of street protests.

Court Convicts Charles Taylor; FGM Prevalent in U.K.

Female genital mutilations have been performed on up to 100,000 women in the United Kingdom, with some medics offering to carry out the surgery on girls as young as 10, The Guardian reported April 22. Investigators from the Sunday Times filmed a doctor, dentist and alternative medicine practitioner all agreeing to carry out FGM, although it is illegal and carries a prison sentence of up to 14 years.

Egypt Has Yet to Feel Impact of FGM Ban

In the year since Egypt outlawed female genital mutilation the government hasn't prosecuted a single case. Nonetheless, some activists say the law is a tool, among others, for gradually dismantling an ancient tradition.