Announcing: The 2024-2025 Women’s eNews Loreen Arbus Accessibility is Fundamental Paid Fellowship

On Tuesday, July 16 at 1:00 pm PT/4:00 pm ET, we hope you will join us for a Women’s eNews Orientation and Application Workshop on Zoom. 

Latest Articles

Mothers Likewise Suffer from Poor “Debate” Performance: But the Consequences are Far Worse

Her performance as a maternal caretaker in her day-to-day activities as a mother is largely eclipsed by her performance on the witness stand.

Save The Date: Sept. 26th Honoring Professional Women in Sports

In Canada, and the Toronto region in particular, the visibility of high-profile women in sports is on the rise. Come join us in Toronto!

WOMXN UP Podcast! A Superhero with Feminine Traits? Welcome to The 23rd Hero

‘I begged them not to harass me’: Women Accuse Taliban of Sexual Assault After Arrest for ‘Bad Hijab’

“What I experienced in the prison was horrible, but you know what is worse than that? It is that we can’t speak about our experiences.”

Nowhere To Turn: The Undeclared War on Women in Greece

This was not the first, nor would it be the last femicide to occur in Greece this year, a country with the highest rate of men killing women in Europe.

WOMXN UP! Podcast: Handing The Shame Back on Sunday, June 16th

Wherever you are, raise awareness about child sexual abuse by walking for 30 minutes, beginning at 10:00am.

About Women's eNews

Reporting stories of women and girls to create a more equitable world.

We are an award-winning nonprofit (501c3) news service covering issues of particular concern to women and providing women’s perspectives on public policy.