Sy Syms Journalistic Excellence Program

Navigating Sex Equality Under the ERA: Balancing Inclusion and Legal Scope

“Since the US has the oldest Constitution in the world, it’s also the hardest one to change. Hence, we need a modern way of expressing equality in this country,” says Ting Ting Cheng.

Hitting a Reset Button on the ERA: Seneca Falls 100 Years Later

“This moment feels really different, and the movement feels different.”

Nevada’s Universal Equal Rights Amendment: The First, but Certainly Not The Last

Nevada proves that state legislatures and voters are an equally crucial component in safeguarding human rights for all!

President Biden: Why Won't You Publish The Equal Rights Amendment?

The Biden Administration is actually going into court and fighting against the Equal Rights Amendment, a right which would have saved Roe v. Wade.

Protecting Queer Youth: Why Title IX is Not Enough, but the ERA Is!

The threats that queer folks face, especially trans and nonbinary youth, will not be permanently fixed by Title IX...but the ERA would.

How the ERA Can Improve Health Outcomes for Women of Color

“The failure to address civil rights goes alongside failure to address maternal mortality, poverty and women’s rights,”