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In Booming Economy, Housing Problems Getting Worse

What if women's advocates and advocates for affordable housing were to join forces in a new strategic alliance to press for their multiple common goals: affordable housing, welfare reform and reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act?

Shampoo, Manicure and Hotline Number

Beauty salons are intimate gathering places where women chat, confide and nourish more than hair and nails. Now, some are playing potentially life-saving roles in a network helping battered women take care of beauty and bruises, body and soul.

How to Grade Your Child's School On Gender Equity

A school's commitment to gender equity can be easily discerned from bulletin boards and display cases, athletic fields, curriculum content, classroom seating and whether teachers encourage girls to develop a public voice-and boys a “public ear.”

Conservatives Fabricating ‘War on Boys'

While boys' problems and some girls' problems have been exaggerated for political reasons, the fact remains that anti-violence, anti-bullying and anti-harassment messages are good for boys and that both girls and boys need help.

Late-Term Abortions Pose Dilemma Down Under

The abortion debate in Australia hasn't reached the fevered pitch of the controversy in the U.S., but the recent highly publicized abortion in Melbourne of a 32-week-old fetus diagnosed with dwarfism illuminates the troubling issue of choice.