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Judge Dismisses Sex Harassment Suit against Ford

(WOMENSENEWS)-A circuit court judge in Michigan dismissed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Ford Motor Company, citing interviews with reporters in which the plaintiff and her lawyer discussed evidence that was part of the public record.

Circuit Court Judge William J. Giovan said the woman, Justine Maldonado, and her lawyer had discussed the 1995 conviction of defendant Daniel P. Bennett on charges of exposing himself to three young women, The New York Times reported Tuesday. The case was dismissed last week.

Maid Denied Visa to Attend Accused Abuser's Trial

(WOMENSENEWS)-An Indonesian maid who had been working in the United States when she was allegedly pushed down the stairs by her employer was not permitted to re-enter the United States to testify at the resulting trial. She was denied a visa because immigration authorities thought she might try to stay, despite a little-known provision in the Violence Against Women Act specifically designed to permit abused immigrants to be able to return to the U.S. to testify against accused assailants, according to The Associated Press.

Alabama Judge Says Lesbian Not Fit for Motherhood

(WOMENSENEWS)-An Alabama judge famous for putting washing machine-sized monuments of the Ten Commandments in the state judicial building said a lesbian woman is not fit for motherhood and awarded custody of her three children to their father, according to combined press reports.

The Gay and Lesbian Alliance of Alabama and Equality Begins at Home of Central Alabama-two groups that promote gay rights in the state-asked Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore on Tuesday to leave the bench.

Sept. 11th Fund Rules May Undervalue Women's Lives

(WOMENSENEWS)-Dated methodology suggesting women have shorter work-life expectancies than men could leave relatives of female Sept. 11 victims with smaller monetary awards than those who lost men in the terrorist attacks.

A panel of economists has said that the fund's preliminary rules contain "glaring errors in methodology," and treat female workers unfairly.