
Martha Burk

Martha Burk's Latest Articles

Before Casting 2012 Ballot, Confront Candidates

Voting this year can help stop recent setbacks of women's rights, says Martha Burk in her book “Your Voice, Your Vote: The Savvy Woman's Guide to Power, Politics and the Change We Need.” But before heading to the ballot box, press candidates and arm yourself with knowledge.

Time to Bury Reagan's Legacy for Women

In a special commentary, Martha Burk, head of an organization representing 6 million women, argues President Reagan injected into Republican politics a strain of virulent anti-woman policies that continues to infect its ideology.

Pro-Choice Women to Push New Prez for Top Posts

Presidential candidates proclaim they are pro-women and scramble for the women's vote. But proof of their protestations lies largely in the appointments of women to all levels in the next administration. Currently, they are less than one-third.