
Hajer Naili

Hajer Naili is a New York-based reporter for Women's eNews. She has worked for several radio stations and publications in France and North Africa and specializes in Middle East and North Africa women in Islam.

Hajer's Latest Articles

Saudi Sportswomen Flag Need for More Movement

A Saudi runner is training for the 2016 Olympics and an entrepreneur has climbed Mt. Everest. But for many girls and women, physical restrictions in the conservative kingdom expose them to a slew of medical dangers, including Vitamin D deficiency, breast cancer, obesity and depression.

Paid Leave Set for Political Boost in SOTU Tonight

“We have no illusion that it will pass in the next two years,” Ellen Bravo, a leading advocate of paid leave, said Tuesday before the president's speech. “But what we will see is growing support and growing pressures on those who block it.”

Ultraviolet: No Justice This Week in Steubenville

The prosecution of a school administrator at the center of a notorious rape case settled out of court on Monday. An anti-rape-activist considers the deal excessively lenient and worries about what it means for a related prosecution of another school official.

Congressional Women Tweet Out First Day

The 114th U.S. Congress convened Tuesday, Jan. 6 in Washington, D.C., with 104 women, a record. Eighty-four women will serve in the House of Representatives and 20 in the Senate. There were 100 women in the last Congress. Here is a sampling of their Tweets.