
Emily Bowers

Emily Bowers's Latest Articles

Ghana's Queen Moms Hold Court on Abortion

Traditional female leaders in Ghana are beginning to open their communal gatherings to discussions of women's legal rights to abortion. The country has one of the most liberal abortion laws in the continent, but women are dying in ignorance of it.

In Togo, Female Science Faculty Actively Mentor

At Togo's University of Lome, female students and faculty are rare, particularly in the sciences. A student-faculty group is working to make the sciences more attractive to girls and women. Last in a series on women and higher education in Africa.

Burkina Faso Women Spin Trash Into Exports

Female artisans in Burkina Faso have found a way to turn plastic litter into handcrafted dolls and woven goods. The women now sell their wares at markets and are beginning to export them to boutiques in the United States.

Ghana Market Women Pay the Daily Micro Man

In a bustling Ghana marketplace female entrepreneurs borrow small sums from a micro-finance institution. The loans aren't cheap-annual interest rates are around 36 percent-but a few borrowers explain how the money still helps out.