
Elizabeth Zwerling

Elizabeth Zwerling is a professor of journalism at the University of La Verne in Los Angeles County.

Elizabeth Zwerling's Latest Articles

Lawmakers Shift Campus Rape Conversation to High Schools

This week federal legislators are expected to approve the Teach Safe Relationships Act, which seeks to get high school students focused on healthy relationships. The bill, which has been rolled into the overhauled No Child Left Behind, is based on the premise that sexual-assault-prevention training may be most effective before college age.

Calif. Campus Rape Bill Goes Beyond ‘No Means No'

The Student Safety: Sexual Assault, or “affirmative consent,” legislation, could reach Gov. Jerry Brown's desk by the end of the summer. A legislator who supports the bill says it's time to change the mindset of “boys just getting crazy and drunk, being irresponsible.” LOS ANGELES (WOMENSENEWS)- Like other campus sexual assault survivors, Sofie Karasek said her attack freshman year by a classmate at the University of California-Berkeley left her distraught at first, wondering whether she should “make a big deal of it,” then puzzled and angry at what she felt was her university's inadequate response after she reported the incident.

Web Opens Window on Eating Disorders

Young women looking on the Internet for help with their eating disorders are instead finding a proliferation of sites that encourage their unhealthy habits. Some researchers, however, say the sites offer a therapeutic “window” on a baffling disease.