
Deborah Mesce

Deborah Mesce's Latest Articles

U.S. Economy: Women Optimistic, Yet Uncertain

A new bipartisan poll shows that despite the economic boom, many women worry about making ends meet and paying expenses. They say the good times are passing them by and they believe they lack control over their economic situations.

Campaign Begins to Reform Flawed Welfare Law

Proponents of current work-or-else welfare declare it's a success-and point to a drop of 6.6 million cases. But new welfare reformers say the new law failed to alter the poverty economy and harms currently poor single mothers and their children.

Gore Showcases His Work on Women's Issues

Presidential candidate Al Gore has a solid, pro-choice record from his Senate days and he has taken progressive stands on many women's issues, but what role he played in Clinton administration decisions is not always clear.