WRighteous: In Honor of Nancy Pelosi

And sometimes it takes one seventy-eight year old feisty tough broad to prove that yes, Goddess yes, a woman's place is mostly definitely in the House.
In honor of Nancy Pelosi
Sometimes it's hidden deep, way deep, under fear and anger and resentment. 
Sometimes it rears its sexy gorgeous head - says hello - and then runs away. 
Sometimes it makes a big huge splash. 
Sometimes it's in the back of a drawer next to a box of stale Newport lights. 
Sometimes it's accompanied by god-awful unbearable sadness. 
Sometimes it's an accessory to kindness. 
Sometimes it shows up hand-in-hand with goodness. 
Sometimes it stands shoulder-to-shoulder with grief. 
Sometimes it's backed into a corner. 
Sometimes it comes roaring out full-force full-on. 
Sometimes it's so quiet you can barely hear it. 
Sometimes it mix-matches with fierce & mighty. 
Sometimes it comes knocking at the door with flowers. 
Sometimes it appears just when you fall to your knees. 
Sometimes it finds its way back home to you. 
Sometimes it walks out the door forever. 
Sometimes it's the word no. 
Sometimes it's the word yes. 
Sometimes it's the pen. 
Sometime's it's the brush. 
Sometimes it's the stranger at a gas station. 
Sometimes it's the neighbor you never knew. 
Sometimes it's the old friend who shows up unexpectedly. 
Sometimes it's opening a closet door.
Sometimes it's declaring your worth.
Sometimes it's standing up.
Sometime's it's speaking up.
Sometime's it's I'm sorry.
Sometime's it's I forgive you.
Sometime's it's I love you.
Sometimes it's a raised hand. 
Sometime's it's a raised fist. 
Sometime's it's rising up.
And sometimes it takes one seventy-eight year old feisty tough broad to prove that yes, Goddess yes, a woman's place is mostly definitely in the House.

amy ferris

author. writer. girl.
Women’s eNews weekly columnist Amy Ferris is a highly accomplished author, screenwriter, television writer and editor. She was also honored by Women’s eNews as one of our ‘21 Leaders for the 21st Century‘ for 2018. Every Friday, you will continue to be invited into her world, where she will champion, encourage and inspire women to awaken to their greatness, as only she can, through passion, truth, hope, and humor — along with a heaping side of activism.