Twitter Chat Gives Tips for Eating Disorders in College

Identifying triggers and asking for help are keys to helping young women deal with an eating disorder through their first year of college.
NEW YORK (WOMENSENEWS)-- Going to college is a big transition for anybody, but for teen girls with eating disorders university life can be a landmine of triggers. Recently, Teen Voices and hosted a tweet chat to share ways to support these students.
NEW YORK (WOMENSENEWS)- Going to college is a big transition for anybody, but for teen girls with eating disorders university life can be a landmine of triggers. Recently, Teen Voices and hosted a tweet chat to share ways to support these students.

NEW YORK (WOMENSENEWS)- Going to college is a big transition for anybody, but for teen girls with eating disorders university life can be a landmine of triggers. Recently, Teen Voices and hosted a tweet chat to share ways to support these students.