Speak Up: Help Women's eNews Build a Better Website

Give us your input and be part of the process to build a website that's easier to navigate. This online tool is fast, fun and easy!

(WOMENSENEWS)- These are exciting times for Women's eNews. We will soon be launching a new website, one that is mobile friendly, interactive and easier to navigate.

To ensure that Women's eNews designs a website that serves you better, we're asking for your help. Please take 10 minutes and play this online game. The game will help us improve how the site is organized, and is fun and easy. It contains a list of words that you can organize to best describe areas of news coverage. The list we ask you to sort through here is partial and short, promise!

So start playing here: https://b064wsi2.optimalworkshop.com/optimalsort/ihtbd-001

If there are any problems using the tool, please email our editor, Corinna Barnard, at [email protected].

We're excited to have our readers involved in this process! Thank you for your support.

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