Young Tech Professionals Send Message to Girls

“I don't know why I was super afraid of being a nerd but now I am super excited that I am one,” Jessica Mays, of the technology photo start-up Twenty20, tells reporters from GlobalGirl Media Los Angeles.
"When I was in high school I was really weird and I loved being weird!" Samantha Vaughn, of the start-up Twenty20, told GlobalGirl Media Los Angeles.
“When I was in high school I was really weird and I loved being weird!”
Samantha Vaughn, of the start-up Twenty20, told GlobalGirl Media Los Angeles.

LOS ANGELES (WOMENSENEWS) — At a recent Girls in Tech Los Angeles reception, GlobalGirl Media reporters asked the young professionals to give a message to their younger selves. Women make up 47 percent of computer and technology workers, according to government statistics.