Freedom Laws Redrawn; Indiana Convicts for Feticide

Arkansas' governor called for changes to a religious-freedom bill passed by the state's legislature; Indiana is reconsidering its similar bill. Also in Indiana, a judge sentenced a woman to 20 years in prison on charges of feticide of her fetus.
Gov. Mike Pence
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence has faced backlash against Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act.



Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson called April 1 for changes to a religious-freedom bill passed by the state's legislature, reported. The bill sparked an outcry akin to the one that followed a similar law in Indiana from groups and companies who say it could be used to discriminate against gays and lesbians.

Hutchinson, a Republican, said he wants his state "to be known as a state that does not discriminate but understands tolerance."

Hutchinson's decision comes in the wake of an uproar in Indiana, where Gov. Mike Pence has faced pressure from businesses, sports associations and popular culture figures to backtrack on a similar religious freedom law he signed last week. Gay rights activists have said that the law protects businesses that discriminate against members of the LGBT community.

In response, Indiana‘s top two legislators, both Republicans, announced April 2 a "fix" to their state's controversial religious-freedom law-a change that would preclude Indiana businesses from denying services to gays or lesbians, reported.

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, is eager to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, reported . "A man and a woman who do the same job should get the same pay," said Schumer. He also called the pay gap between women and men-still 78 cents to every dollar-"shocking."


An Indiana judge sentenced a 33-year-old woman, Purvi Patel, to 20 years in prison on charges of feticide, reported . Patel is the first woman in Indiana to be convicted under the state's feticide law. Activists say the case highlights the way that prosecutors across the U.S. are increasingly using laws to criminalize women for allegedly harming a fetus.

In 2013, Patel was arrested after seeking help in an emergency room for excessive bleeding, with an umbilical cord protruding from her vagina, reported the article. She first told staff she hadn't been pregnant but then revealed that she had given birth at her home in Granger. Patel told an investigator that she thought the fetus wasn't alive and that she left it in a plastic bag in a dumpster outside her family home. Text messages showed to the jury indicated that Patel wanted to terminate her pregnancy and court documents indicated she purchased two abortion-inducing drugs from a website in Hong Kong and began taking them in July 2013. A toxicology report, however, revealed no traces of the drugs in Patel's blood, nor could it be verified that Patel ever purchased the drugs.

Meanwhile, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie gave the Susan B. Anthony List a statement of his support for the "Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act," which claims to prevent abortions beginning at 20 weeks," reported .

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