Tipped Women Fare Poorly in Mich. Wage Hike

This GlobalGirl Media video explores the connection between restaurant workers, who in Michigan make $2.65 an hour, and sexual harassment.

(TEENVOICES) - Tipped workers, 72 percent of whom are female according to a recent White House report, are not making out as well as other employees in the current trend to increase minimum wage. In addition to lower wages these women and girls also face harassment from their customers, bosses and coworkers.

In Michigan, new legislation will increase the minimum wage from $7.40 to $9.25 by 2018, but tipped workers max out at $3.50 from the current $2.65. In this GlobalGirl Media video, produced in partnership with Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, a server in Detroit explains her struggle and efforts to keep her teen daughters out of the minimum wage industry.