Dartmouth Fraternity Publishes Date Rape Tips

(WOMENSENEWS)-Dartmouth College fraternity Zeta Psi has been publishing newsletters describing members' sexual escapades, providing offensive descriptions of women students and tips for “successful” date rape.

The campus newspaper, The Dartmouth, published two of the newsletters, setting off a furor on campus last week. College officials were investigating, hearings were expected and possible punishment could include de-recognizing the fraternity, suspending it or imposing a lesser penalty.

Gene Boyle, president of the fraternity, told the campus newspaper that the contents of the newsletters were satirical and intended only to poke fun at fraternity members.

WEnews Update

Vieques Protesters Force Halt To Navy Shelling

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (WOMENSNEWS)-After a federal court go-ahead, the U.S. Navy on Friday resumed artillery shelling off the island of Vieques but was forced to halt after protesters occupied the bombing area.

Puerto Rico Gov. Sila M. Calderon had sought to prevent the Navy from carrying out its four to seven days of training exercises with inert artillery and bombs, arguing that it violates new noise-level regulations and harms the health and safety of Vieques residents.

She was overruled on Thursday by a U.S. District Court judge in Washington, D.C., but the ruling gave encouragement to those who want to see the U.S. Navy go home.

Judge Gladys Kessler said that the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico didn't prove that the planned exercises would cause “irreparable harm” to residents of Vieques, the required proof for a restraining order. But she also said cited “disturbing evidence” that the Navy shelling presents health risks to islanders.

The judge urged, though she did not order, the Navy to hold off on further exercises until a more accurate review of health studies could be carried out. In two weeks Judge Kessler will schedule a trial date to determine the effect of the Navy's practices on Vieques residents.

Gov. Calderon was positive about the judgment.

“The decision. . .substantially pushes forward the Vieques cause, even though the immediate decision for this weekend is not what the Puerto Rican government was looking for. “

Protesters began entering the firing range on Thursday and on Friday hundreds were filing onto the ferry from the main island to join demonstrators on Vieques. Thousands gathered outside the Capitol in San Juan in peaceful protests.

The protesters included a prominent woman lawmaker, Sen. Norma Burgos, vice president of the New Progressive Party, the minority opposition party.

The Vieques Accord, signed by President Clinton and still in effect, calls for a referendum by Vieques residents on whether the U.S. Navy should end the bombing practice and leave Vieques. It is scheduled for November 2001.-By Caryn Nesmith