Women's Enews Takes a Holiday (Brief)

WEnews staff is taking a break and will not update the site on Monday, July 3 and Tuesday July 4. Instead, the WEnews staff will be reintroducing themselves to their families and reading books on the importance of work-family balance.

The staff-full-time, part-time and free-lance-feels triumphant right now. Since we began distributing news stories on March 16, we have reached our goal many times-we have broken stories about women's issues and covered other issues ignored by other media.

WEnews was the only press covering a speech in New York by Dr. LeRoy H. Carhart, the physician who filed a U.S. Supreme Court suit challenging a Nebraska law that would criminalize most abortion practices.

WEnews broke the story nationally about some large urban police departments ignoring women's rape complaints.

WEnews documented that medical researchers are still leaving women out of clinical trials, despite a federal law requiring them to include us.

WEnews probed the use of drug tests on pregnant women that may in fact indicate more about poverty and racism than about the potential harm to fetuses.

WEnews also provided extensive coverage of the U.N. special session on women's rights, known as Beijing + Five, bringing to our readers news about the struggles of women on six continents against poverty, violence and political disenfranchisement.

And after the taking off Monday July 3 and Tuesday July 4, we will come back rested and raring to go at it again.

Otherwise, think of us when you are at the beach or in the back yard, if only for a moment. WEnews staff will be there too, thinking of you, and what you would like WEnews to tell you about.